Holistic Therapy
"She realized that the one She had been waiting for, had been Her all along." - Rebecca Campbell

Our 1:1 therapy container will offer you a safe and sacred space to be seen, heard, and supported. Together we will offer space for the parts of you that have been waiting; the parts that have held their voice when told they were too loud, the emotions that have been stuffed down when told they were too big. Together we will welcome and invite all parts of you home and help them to feel connected and seen again. So many of us live in a constant state of disconnection. Disconnection from ourselves, from those around us, disconnection from our joy, disconnection from source. So many of us are carrying around stories that were passed down to us from our families of origin, society, friends, social media, all of which can overshadow how we feel about ourselves and the value we believe we hold. These old beliefs limit our ability to recognize our worthiness. They paint over the truth that lies underneath; that we are all love, that we are all connected.
We are all deserving and worthy of love and connection simply because we exist.

During our time together we will look to your emotions and your thoughts and see the wisdom that lies there. We’ll listen and hold curiosity for the guidance that is within. As your therapist I will support you in looking at deep rooted patterns, limiting beliefs and stuck points. I’ll stand by your side as we create a plan together for change and explore the old stories that are ready to be released and transmuted. Together we will support and strengthen your inner voice and honor who you are at soul level. You will reconnect with your inner power and your inner knowing and trust in yourself again. You are so deserving of this space and I’m so glad that you’re here.